Osnova sekce

      The snippets contained within this Guest Sampler should not be relied upon as complete information, as they are excerpts from various courses and therefore should not be taken out of context.  This sampler is simply to provide general concepts of what may be included in individual courses.

      These Online Toolbox Courses are designed to provide all relevant information, that would typically be delivered in a workplace.  As such, they normally only take around the same amount of time as a Toolbox Talk.  Whilst it will vary according to the topics and the individuals, this would be approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

      Key concepts within these courses include:

      • Each section must be must be completed before moving to the next section
      • Quizzes are embedded throughout, and require 100% correct answers prior to moving to the next section
      • Quizzes are a combination of Multiple Choice, True-or-False, and/or sentence completion
      • Whilst the information is factual and serious, there are various comedic photos, cartoons, etc. included to ensure the participants remain attentive, whilst also assisting with the retention of the information
      • A Certificate of Completion is automatically generated for download and printing upon successful completion of the course